Friday, October 19, 2012

Yarmouth Art Festival returns!

This is Gallery Talk.
   The text version of WMPG Radios window into the world of art with your host Lars

Rick Green's Chebeague Island
It was the Wabanaki's who originally called the area of land between two of Maine's mid coast coastal rivers "Westcustogo".  These beautiful coastal marsh lands were abundant with clams and fish, this beholden land was not only attractive the native population but also to the settlers of this new (to them) world. Twice settled and abandoned it was not until 1713 that a final successful settlement was established.   Westcustogo now called Yarmouth is just a 11 trip north of  Maine's largest city Portland and it's coastal beauty remains an attraction to this day.

Why do I share this Information with you?

This week the attraction in Yarmouth is the YARMOUTH ART FESTIVAL!  This jurried art show is more akin to a limited engament group art show , from Oct 17-20th the festival features 165 works of art from 79 different artists.

Like the original native residents & new world settlers who were drawn to the beauty of coastal Maine, my favorite artist of the 79 is Cumberland Encaustic Artist Rick Green.   His work embraces the coastal lands & Maine's coastal islands.  The work is bold in color and presents the viewer with a "Jonathon Livingston Seagull" view of the trees, rocks, waves & ocean.  Rick allows us to experience the beauty of the Maine Coast not like Homer or Wyeth presented it, but with more of a heavenly perspective.  Recipient of a Good Idea Grant from the Maine Arts Commission, Rick's interpretations of the Maine Coast are now captured, the beauty embedded in a mix of bees wax & crystals for all time.

The Yarmouth Arts Festival show is in the St. Barts Church on the Gilman road in Yarmouth Maine.  The show is open Thursday & Friday from 10am - 7pm  and Saturday from 9am - 4pm.
To learn more and see a digital gallery of the Works click here YARMOUTH ART FEST  


Why Go see the 165 pieces of art work at the
 Yarmouth Art Fest?

                 Go because your good mind needs good art.

The Gallery Talk is made possible by the generosity of the WMPG Radio listening community.  The blog is the text version of the art rant heard every Thursday at 7am, 5 & 9:30pm on WMPG college and community radio Broadcasting from the University of Southern Maine
90.9 , 104.1 and streaming on the web at