Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can you say Pecha Kucha at Space Gallery Portland?

Usually when someone says Pecha Kucha do you reply : God Bless you or gash-une-tite?

What is a Pech-Kucha?
Well it started in 2003 by Klein Dytham Architects,
PechaKucha Night is an opportunity for architect's, graphic designers, illustrators, painters, landscape designers, photographers or any other creative types to come and tell the world about your ideas.  PechaKucha welcomes a broad mix of participants to present their designs, thoughts and ideas in a format of 20 slides x 20 seconds each. It's fast,  presenters are up and out in 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

I summarize PechaKucha like this :
Think of ideas as water and artists like sponges then Pech Kucha is vehicle that wrings out the sponge and allows the ideas to flow very freely at almost fire hose pace, flooding the room. 
Here is where it gets real wet & wild, fill the room with folk that appreciate new ideas and it's like going skinny dipping on hot summer night with 50 new friends, naked ideas spawn new naked ideas, it is an incredibly inspiring experience. 

This Thursday Night February 17th  Pecha Kucha comes to Portland's  Space Gallery Doors open at 6:30 , presentations start at 7:20, the joint will be packed and on a cold night it will be melt your neurons white hot in there!

A few of the presenters I know some I do not, what I do know is all have a story and it'll be good.
Here is the list of Thursday presenters , with my crib notes where appropriate:

Brendan Bullock/documentary photographer
Amy Curtis/installation artist ( recent PMA installation think BIGNET or Giant wet babies diapers at beach) 
Jacques Vesery/sculptor (woodworker -painter hybrid with crazy watchmaker like detail)
Stell Shevis/enameling
Crystal Cawley/print artist
Joanne Arnold/photographer (think Monet with a Nikon)
Suzanne Parrott/upcycled clothing
Katie West/levity project
Elisabeth Tova Bailey/author
Marin Magat/painter

For information about PechaKucha Global, go to

For more on Maine Pecha Kucha's 

Why head out to Pecha Kucha night at Space Gallery
Why treat yourself to ideas & art all in under 70 minutes !
Because your good mind needs a feed! Give it some PechKucha!

The Gallery Talk is made possible by the generosity of the WMPG Radio listening community.  The blog is the text version of the art rant heard every Thursday at 7am, 5 & 9:30pm on WMPG college and community radio
Broadcasting from the University of Southern Maine

90.9 , 104.1 and streaming on the web at

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